Writing can be challenging work and a hardened form of personal expression. Most writers will have to discipline themselves to hone their craft in the long-term.
Without strong organizational skills, completing a daily writing goal can often feel like an insurmountable obstacle in life. Here are just a few great ways to organize an excellent writing routine that will undoubtedly make the writing process easier and more enjoyable for you.
1. Set Daily Word-Count Goals
There is little doubt that many professional writers test their progress and stay organized by setting hard-and-fast daily word count goals. Stephen King is famous for churning out 2000 words every day; the author does so whether that day is a holiday.
Of course, not everyone has the luxury of earning a living from writing; in fact, most of us will have to work a day job and attend to other responsibilities in life to find time to write. Under these circumstances, writing 2000 words in a day might not be workable.
Even if we’re writing only 300 words every day, we should always strive to meet the goal that we’ve set for ourselves. This kind of commitment to practice will instill a sense of discipline in our writing routines.
2. Clean Your Workspace at the End of a Writing Session
The organization is key; it is a simple truth in life that we should probably expect that our writing routine will be similarly disorganized. No one finds it easy to write at a messy desk. After each writing session, we should commit to cleaning up our workspaces. Doing so will make it easier and more pleasurable to approach tomorrow’s writing tasks.
3. Turn Off Your Computer’s Wifi Signal While Writing
If you do your writing work on a computer, it can be tempting to spend a few minutes here and there checking your email or logging into your social media accounts; but doing so can seriously eat away at the time you have to write. To stay focused, try turning off the wifi signal on your computer while you’re writing. With less to distract you, you’ll probably be able to get a lot more writing work done.
4. Find Your Best Hours for Writing
There will be a particular time of day when writing feels more productive and more rewarding for most writers. Perhaps you’re a morning person who loves the quiet of the pre-dawn hours to compose poetry and enjoy a cup of coffee. Maybe you get more writing done while the kids are down for a nap in the afternoon.
However, you approach your writing routine, be sure you’re working at a time that works for you. When we feel a sense of play as writers, we’ll often approach our work with a more generous amount of joy and excitement. That kind of happiness makes any activity feel truly meaningful and even magical.